26-28 March 2018
Stuttgart, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

About SimTech2018

You can find a Picture Gallery of the 2nd International Conference here.


From 26th to 28th March 2018, Stuttgart hosted simulation technology’s leading researchers for the 2nd International Conference on Simulation Technology (SimTech 2018).


The conference agenda covers numerous topics related to the field of simulation technology, such as advanced mechanics, molecular simulations, numerical mathematics, and interactive visualization, to name just a few.


SimTech 2018 is a major platform for promoting exchange amongst representatives of the international community in a variety of fields, bringing together mathematicians and biochemists, engineers and chemists, computer scientists and sociologists, physicists and philosophers. In keynote lectures, renowned scientists presented the latest ideas from the world of simulation technology.

With the multi-disciplinary environment at SimTech 2018, we continue to advance towards our goal at the Stuttgart Cluster of Excellence in Simulation Technology: developing simulation technology from isolated numerical approaches to an integrative systems science.

Our sincere thanks go to all participants for their valuable contributions. We are proud to having welcomed you in Stuttgart. This conference was an enriching scientific and personal experience.


Stuttgart, March 2018


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